Caritas Healing Connection/Watson Caring Science Institute Presentation: Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
Presented March 16th, 2024
Integrative Health and Wellness Congressional Caucus
Presented on March 15th, 2018
In this Congressional briefing, Bill provides an overview of the acupuncture profession across the nation, and how acupuncture can be applied to combat the opioid crisis through pain management and addiction treatment.
Dr J Interview: Acupuncture for Optimizing Health
Dr. Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN, Chief Executive Office of Perque Integrative Health interviews Bill on the role of acupuncture in optimizing health and well-being.
“Your Health – It’s Personal” TV Broadcast
Recorded February of 2021
Your Health – It's Personal, March, 2021 from Public Access Studios on Vimeo.
How “Obamacare” Affects Acupuncture
Interview with the American Acupuncture Council
In this publication, Marilyn Allan of the American Acupuncture Council, interviews Bill about how the potential repeal of the affordable care act (more popularly known as “Obamacare”) affects the acupuncture profession.

Acupuncture & Integrative Heart Health
Interview with Dr. Jaffe